Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake


  • White or Yellow Cake Mix
  • 2 Qt Strawberries
  • Sugar or Splenda
  • Spray Whipped Cream
  • Berries for Garnish


  • Mix Cake mix per instructions on package.
  • Clean and Quarter strawberries.
  • Spray cooker base of Tupperware Microwave Safe Dish (Stack Cooker)
  • Spread ½ the prepared cake batter in base
  • Microwave - uncovered - for 4 to 5 min (till toothpick done)
  • Immediately invert onto platter
  • Cook 2nd half of mix - invert onto platter
  • While cakes are baking - use Tupperware Power Chef ™ to chop berries into smaller portions.
  • Assembly:
  • Poke a few holes into bottom layer. Put ⅓ the berries on layer, top with 2nd layer, add more berries.
  • Spray whipped cream around bottom, sides, and top edge of cake. Use remaining berries on top and base for decoration. Add mint sprig if desired.
  • Cut to serve. Refrigerate up to 3 days.

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